You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > Point of Sale - End Of Day

Point of Sale - End Of Day

At the end of each day, you need to perform the End of Day process in POS to close all the registers. This process also generates a series of reports to record sales and payments entered into each cash register for the day, and completes an End of Day till reconciliation (if enabled).

You should perform the End of Day process to close each cash register at the end of a day (or shift).



  • All users should be logged out of POS before you begin this procedure.
  • Once the End of Day has been run, you cannot reprint the POS End of Day Cash Receipts, Dockets or Summary reports. However, other reports may be printed to assist with any information required.

To run POS End of Day:


Micronet displays the End of Day screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Cash Register

Micronet displays your default cash register. You may select another cash register to be closed if required.


OK to Run EOD

If Beginning of Day has been run on the register, Micronet defaults to Yes to indicate that the register can be closed. This field displays No if the Beginning of Day has not been run on the register.


Processing Messages

When you process the End of Day, Micronet displays a log of orders processed during the day which have not been fully invoiced.

In Micronet 2.7, these messages simply provide information and you can ignore them.

In Micronet 2.8, you have the option to turn this logging on and off using the Log Order Status field below.


All Registers

Check this box if you want to run the End of Day process on all your cash registers. Leave this box unchecked if you only want to run the End of Day process on the register displayed in the Cash Register field.


Log Order Status

2.8 Feature

Check this box if you want Micronet to display a log of orders processed during the day which have not been fully invoiced in the Processing Messages field. Leave it unchecked if you don't want to view these messages.

  1. Select the Ok button.

If your Micronet system is set to enable POS till reconciliation, Micronet displays the End of Day Till Reconciliation screen. Follow the procedures in the next section, "End of Day - Till Reconciliation".

Otherwise, Micronet processes the End of Day, prints the standard End of Day reports, and clears all information in preparation for the next Beginning of Day.


Technical Tip

If required, you can also print a bank deposit slip for cash and cheque payments - refer to "Printing the Bank Deposit Slip".